We invite you to be our guest!

Join us in person or online as we worship the Lord. We believe there are no strangers, only friends we have yet to meet. We are a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom. We look forward to meeting you!

Please feel free to fill out our online Connect Card!

Service Times

10:00 AM - Sunday School/Small Groups

11:00 AM - Morning Worship Service

Wednesday Midweeks at 6:30 PM

Kids - Jr. Church Classroom

Youth - Youth Barn

Adults - Sanctuary

Listen to this week’s Sermon.

Check out our Spotify & Apple Podcasts to stay up-to-date on our most recent sermons!

Upcoming Events

  • Family Day and Potluck

    March 30th - 11:00am

    Join us for Family Day and Potluck at Church! Bring your favorite meal, side, or dessert to share with others!

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    April 5th - 8:00am in the Church Fellowship Hall

    All Men Welcome! The cost is $3.

  • Easter at Liberty Baptist Church

    Join us as we Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!

    9:30am - Free Pancake Breakfast

    10:30am - Egg Hunt for Kids ages infant-12

    11:00am - Easter Service and Photo Booth

Are you interested in serving at LBC?

Join us in reading through the Bible this year!

Find Hope in Uncertain Times

Our purpose at Liberty is to see others come to know Jesus Christ, to grow in their relationship with Him, and to show His love to Spokane.

Visit Us

320 W Graves Rd, Spokane, WA 99218